Today I added two wirefusion presentations to our gallery. One shows the new Porsche GT3 RSR (WIP) how
it looks at the moment. The other one shows our Porsche 911 GT3 Cup. Open the presentations just by double
clicking the thumbnails.

Enjoy both cars in 3D here.
Today I added the first two render screens of the Porsche 911 GT3 RSR to our gallery.
You can enjoy the two screenshots here.
After 1 1/2 years of developement GSMF proudly presents the PCC 2007 Mod!
This mod includes the Series of Germany, Asia, Australia and the
Mobil1 Supercup, Support Series of the FIA Formula 1.
You can choose between the different series but only the Supercup Series has the PCCB (Porsche Ceramic Composite
Brake). In the "Carrea Cup Series" you have all 4 series in one (designed for online racing). They are using all the
normal steel brake disc system.
Physics have been developed in cooperation with the real PCC-Driver Ralph Kalaschek and his team
MRS Racing.
We hope you enjoy racing with this new mod made by German Sim Mod Foundation.

Support @ GSMF
Because of the high details of this mod, we recomend all users of graphic cards with less than 512 MB video memory to
use the low-res Skins.
Download Mirrors with Installer:
Porsche Carrera Cup 2007 by DLM
Porsche Carrera Cup 2007 by Kraut Racing Team
Porsche Carrera Cup 2007 by
Porsche Carrera Cup 2007 by
Porsche Carrera Cup 2007 by VirtualRacing
Porsche Carrera Cup 2007 by
Porsche Carrera Cup 2007 by
Porsche Carrera Cup 2007 by
In the last days I added some nice background pictures for Lupo Cup 2003, PCC 2005 and PCC 2007 as
well as a new description for PCC 2007.
Pictures are taken by Stephen O'Malley. Thanks to him for the nice screens.
Today I added new pictures of PCC 2006/2007, PCC 2005 and VW Lupo Cup 2003 to our gallery. All
pictures are taken by 00malleys. Thx a lot to him for these awesome screenshots.
You can enjoy the new screenshots here.